
Co.Satellite Internet Technology

The need for Internet in South Africa is greater now than ever before. While most areas are covered by tried and tested terrestrial network methods, there are some areas where fast and reliable connectivity is needed but access is limited. You can Utilize CoSatellite Connect, which delivers high-speed Internet, independent of conventional cabling, across our operating Provinces.

A fast, Always-On Internet access service delivered via Satellite, you’re always “Connected” with CoTech and Telsat Technology.

  • Co.Satellite supplies affordable Broadband connectivity to Users across the North West, Northern Cape and Free State.
  • Perfect for homes, businesses which require reliable high-speed connectivity.
  • Ideal for areas where conventional alternatives are unavailable.
  • No dependency on cables means Less waiting for installation or delays due to theft.
  • Operates on 128 Beams and covers all of South Africa.

Anyone can access lightning-quick Internet of up to 50Mbps via Satellite – all you have do is ask us how.

Not only do we include the initial deployment of the infrastructure, but also the management and operation of the services to the customer.

  • Satellite Uncapped

    From R960 12 Month Subscription CoSat Uncapped 5

    R960.00 5Mbps|2Mbps No FUP
    Installation Costs Apply

  • Satellite Uncapped

    From R1260 12 Month Subscription CoSat Uncapped 10

    R1260.00 10Mbps|3Mbps No FUP
    Installation Costs Apply

  • Satellite Uncapped

    From R1800 12 Month Subscription CoSat Uncapped 20

    R1800.00 20Mbps|5Mbps No FUP
    Installation Costs Apply

  • Satellite Uncapped

    From R2430 12 Month Subscription CoSat Uncapped 30

    R2430.00 30Mbps|5Mbps No FUP
    Installation Costs Apply

  • Satellite Uncapped

    From R3510 12 Month Subscription CoSat Uncapped 50

    R3510.00 50Mbps|5Mbps No FUP
    Installation Costs Apply